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Jumia Books Trading in the Zone Book by Mark Douglas

KSh 750
KSh 1,20038%

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In Trading in the Zone, Douglas explains that when trading, we often mistakenly embody a fear-based mindset instead and avoid risk. Therefore, no matter how much time we spend studying the market, we'll fail to establish a pattern of winning.


Key Features

In Trading in the Zone, Douglas explains that when trading, we often mistakenly embody a fear-based mindset instead and avoid risk. Therefore, no matter how much time we spend studying the market, we'll fail to establish a pattern of winning.

What’s in the box

1 book + free bookmark 


  • Weight (kg): 0.3
  • Shop Type: Jumia Mall

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Jumia Books Trading in the Zone Book by Mark Douglas

Jumia Books Trading in the Zone Book by Mark Douglas

KSh 750
KSh 1,20038%
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