HomeGamingPC GamingMacGaming MiceWireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for
product_image_name-Generic-Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for-1product_image_name-Generic-Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for-2product_image_name-Generic-Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for-3product_image_name-Generic-Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for-4product_image_name-Generic-Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for-5product_image_name-Generic-Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for-6product_image_name-Generic-Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for-7product_image_name-Generic-Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for-8

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Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for

KSh 563

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+ shipping from KSh 108 to CBD - UON/Globe/Koja/River Road
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Delivery Fees KSh 108
Ready for pickup between 17 December and 20 December if you place your order within the next 7hrs 36mins

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Delivery Fees KSh 218
Ready for delivery between 17 December and 20 December if you place your order within the next 7hrs 36mins

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60%Seller Score



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Shipping speed: Very Poor

Quality Score: Excellent

Product details

PS: Due to different batches, size, appearance, color, length 90% or less than meters, etc
There have been some changes in certain areas, please refer to the received physical item. No further notice will be given. Thank you


Key Features

PS: Due to different batches, size, appearance, color, length 90% or less than meters, etc
There have been some changes in certain areas, please refer to the received physical item. No further notice will be given. Thank you


  • Weight (kg): 1kg

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Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for

Wireless Mouse Rechargeable Silent Laptop Bluetooth Computer Tablet Business Office Suitable for

KSh 563
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